Director of Strix
Wildlife Consultancy

Subaraj is a stalwart member of local natural history
circles in Singapore and Malaysia for the past 2 decades. It is very
much a lifestyle for him, as part of his profession, as a volunteer
and even during his free time.
He has spent more than 30 years in the field, observing and studying
animals. During this time, he has been part of various nature
organizations & groups, has sat on several committees, written
articles, reports, papers and booklets and been involved in research
and study of wildlife to collect much needed data. He is currently
still involved in all this.
Subaraj (better known as Raj or Sub) has more than 20
years of experience professionally guiding birders, visiting this
region from around the world. He is Singapore's 1st Professional
Tourist Guide specializing exclusively in eco-tourism. Licensed by
the Singapore Tourism Board since 1990, over the past 20 plus years
he has designed and run over 50 tours around Singapore alone.
Over the years, he has mounted or been part of numerous field studies
& EIAs in Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia, both professionally
and voluntarily; provided training on wildlife observation &
study and acted as a wildlife consultant and at times presenter to
various local and overseas film crews.

links to
more about Subaraj
The Australian and
New Zealand Association of Singapore's full profile on Subaraj (PDF file) His life and passion for
nature with lots of details and photos about him and his work. The
Association says.."Subaraj
Rajathurai has been working in Singapore as
a Freelance Natural History Consultant and Guide for the last 10
years. If there is a green, unspoilt part
of Singapore (yes there are some), he knows where it is and what
lives there, be it animal or plant life. He has been conducting
natural history walks, hikes and bird watching tours with ANZA
approximately on a monthly basis and has a dedicated band of
followers who enjoy the outdoors. If you would like to refresh the
spirit a little or even if you would just like to know if that snake
that you saw in the Botanic Garden was poisonous, his tours are a
to Watch Among Us: Bird Man on the Northeast Community
Development Council Website: "Given the chance, Subaraj Rajathurai,
could go on and on about the conservation of natural habitats in
Singapore, especially his pet topic of birds. He is especially in his
elements walking through mangrove swamps, mud flats, or the
rainforest in Singapore and the region. "It's important to
educate people about nature that surrounds us. That's what I do on my
tours. I hope that by having been in nature, they'll grow to
appreciate it, and would therefore want it to remain that way."
Lives: people passionate about wild places in Singapore A profile
of Subaraj, his work and how he has touched
nature volunteers and the nature community in Singapore.